The Florida Conservation Planning Atlas (CPA) is a data discovery, visualization, and analytical platform for stakeholders throughout Florida. The CPA was developed to create a common platform to increase collaboration based on the Florida Conservation Blueprint – representing landscape conservation priorities and actions that sustain natural and cultural resources.
The CPA provides a platform for conservation partners and stakeholders to create galleries to showcase a cohesive collection of spatial information and supporting documentation. With the Florida CPA you can search for spatial datasets, visualize supported projects, and learn more about landscape scale conservation science and design in the region. Additionally, you can upload your own data to your account to be used in conjunction with these datasets. Data uploaded to this CPA will be regularly updated and refined, and new datasets will be continually added.
Datasets can be viewed and analyzed using the Advanced Mapper tool on the CPA homepage. To view a summarization of the blueprint core data sets using watershed boundaries (or HUC12s), use the
Simple Map Viewer tool. To make getting started easier, several of the most useful datasets have been marked as featured on the CPA homepage.
The CPA also allows its users to create groups of members from several organizations who may have the same conservation goals. Within a group, you can perform analyses, upload data, and share information for other group members to use.
To get started with the Florida CPA, please go back to the
CPA homepage.
The development and maintenance of the Florida CPA has been supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.